1. Create NFTs
1.1 Click on "Create NFTs" on the homepage to access the NFT creation page.
1.2 After filling in the required information about the NFT, click "Create" at the bottom of the page, then sign in your wallet to confirm the action.
Note: To set up a pre-sale and add a whitelist, please make sure to select "Scheduled" for the launch time and allow at least 2 hours.
1.3 Once your NFT is successfully minted, you will receive a confirmation message.
2. Set up a pre-sale and add a whitelist
2.1 In the confirmation message after creation, click "Add Pre-sale". Alternatively, you can navigate to the NFT details page and select "Add Pre-sale".
Note: Pre-sales cannot be set up if the release time is less than 1 hour away.
2.2 Set the pre-sale duration, upload a CSV file containing the whitelist addresses, then click "Submit" and confirm your action by signing.
2.3 Now, you have successfully set up a pre-sale.
- The address must conform to the TRON standard, and the whitelist should be uploaded as a CSV file.
- You can update the whitelist 1 hour prior to the release. After that, no changes will be allowed.
3. Modify the baseURI
3.1 Go to the NFT details page and click "Change baseURI".
3.2 Enter the new baseURI, then click "Submit" and sign in your wallet to confirm the action.
1. Only the creator of the collection is authorized to modify the baseURI.
2. Altering the baseURI will change the images and attributes of the NFTs. Please exercise caution when making such changes, and we recommend testing any modifications on the NFT Pump testnet (https://testnet.nftpump.meme/) prior to implementation.
4. Upload multiple NFT images in a single collection
To include multiple NFT images in the same collection, you can modify the baseURI as outlined in point 3.
4.1 Gather all the NFT images to be published into a single folder.
4.2 On the Change baseURI page, click the "Quick storage via BTFS" button below.
4.3 Go to the BTFS Finder page and click the "Upload File" button in the top right corner.
4.4 Select "Public Sharing".
4.5 Click "Switch to Folder Uploading" and select the folder containing all your NFT images to begin the upload.
4.6 After a successful upload, click the "Me" button in the top right corner of the BTFS Finder page. Here, you will find your uploaded folder.
4.7 Click the drop-down menu at the top right corner of the folder and select "Copy Link".
4.8 Navigate back to the baseURI modification page. Paste the link into the baseURI input box, remove the "?" and everything that follows, and then add a "/" at the end of the link.
- Original: https://gateway.btfs.io/btfs/QmRHaTQXQXBAtHuu1MNGQ4TjZdKdT4bvVbKGooet5A9ynv?filename=NFT Folder
- Updated: https://gateway.btfs.io/btfs/QmRHaTQXQXBAtHuu1MNGQ4TjZdKdT4bvVbKGooet5A9ynv/
4.9 After completing the previous step, click "Submit" and sign in your wallet to confirm the action.
Once the baseURI is successfully changed, the NFT images in your collection will update automatically. Please allow 10 to 60 minutes for the changes to fully process, depending on the size of your collection.
5. Browse NFT collections
5.1 Scroll down to browse the list of NFT collections on NFT Pump, and click "Load More" to view more.
5.2 Enter the collection name or address in the search bar to perform a fuzzy search.
5.3 Sorting: The platform defaults to sorting collections by time order, placing the most recently minted at the top. You can also manually sort them by recently created, the number of mints in the last 24 hours, the total mint amount, or transaction volume.
5.4 Filter: You can choose to view all, free, or paid NFT collections.
6. Mint NFTs
6.1 Click your NFT collection on NFT Pump to access the details page.
6.2 Select the number of NFTs you want to mint and then click "Mint".
6.3 Sign in your wallet to confirm the action.
6.4 Congratulations! The minting has been completed.
7. Energy consumption
The minting process consumes Bandwidth and Energy. 95% of your Energy consumption is covered by the APENFT contract. However, if you perform actions too frequently, it might lead to Energy shortages, in which case you will need to provide Energy by yourself. You are advised to stake or rent enough Energy to avoid transaction failures. For more information, please read the APENFT support doc.