WTRX (Wrapped TRX) is a TRC20 token with an equivalent value to TRX, TRON's native token. WTRX can be converted from TRX at 1:1 within a personal account on APENFT Marketplace and can be used for bidding on the marketplace. You may also directly purchase NFTs that are already priced in WTRX.
How to convert TRX into WTRX on APENFT Marketplace
Click the account icon on the homepage. On the sidebar, you will see a double arrow to the right of each currency.
Click the double arrow next to TRX, and there will be a pop-up window for you to convert the token. Enter the amount of TRX you want to convert (or WTRX you want to receive), and then click 'Convert tokens'.
There will be a pop-up window requesting your signature for confirmation. Click 'Sign'.
There will be another pop-up window informing you that the conversion is successful. You may go back to the sidebar and view the WTRX you have received.
WTRX is marked with a black diamond icon to distinguish it from TRX.
You may also make swaps between TRX and WTRX using the link below. All you need to do is go to the website, enter the amount, and confirm.